In the field of financial advice, there are many professionals, especially the financial investment advisor or CIF. This is a regulated job that has been established for the protection of the saver when he is looking for terms to develop his savings. Discover the missions given to a financial investment advisor.


A financial investment advisor or CIF specializes in savings resolutions. It is a commercial type that independently has financial and banking products. The latter can thus be hired for speeches in terms of credit and insurance.  The financial investment adviser plays an important role in financial advice, he or she directs his or her client towards the right solution for the diversification of his or her Julien Vautel savings. Thus, he can bring you investment advice on financial products such as shares, bonds, collective investments (SICAV, funds, ...), investment services (e.g. the opportunity to contact a management company). The financial adviser can also offer you information in terms of the choice of a portfolio management company or investment services. You should be aware that he can make an offer of services to different companies or to an individual. HOW TO BECOME A FINANCIAL INVESTMENT ADVISOR AND WHAT TRAINING IS REQUIRED? The profession of financial investment advisor is open to all people who have at least a BTS or DUT in commerce, banking and finance. The BTS (International Trade) is one of the courses that can lead to this activity. After graduation, all holders of a baccalaureate + 4 (master's degree in financial sciences or business school, master's degree in management, ...) can openly exercise the position of financial investment adviser.


When you are led by a financial investment advisor, he or she is obliged to present at the first interview his or her ORIAS (Organisme pour le Registre des Intermédiaires en Assurance) admission number and of course his or her CIF status according to julien vautel. He must also specify whether he is collaborating with financial companies or if he is a representative. A financial advisor must identify your family, financial and tax profile while asking you various questions during the first meeting. He must understand the level of risk you think you are taking and question all your investment objectives. Afterwards, he must write a letter of engagement that provides information on his price as well as his performance during this first meeting. After the meeting, he is obliged to send you a link providing information on several investment formulas appropriate to your field. A good financial adviser should offer you his rates as well as his services. In order to be able to practice, financial investment advisers must meet certain criteria. In particular, they must be members of professional associations that are approved by the AMF.  The financial investment adviser's day-to-day function is to provide advice on the completion of investment services such as executing orders on behalf of third parties, transmitting and receiving orders on behalf of third parties, managing portfolios on behalf of third parties or others. Also, advice relating to the execution of actions on assets including the access to life annuities.  It may also receive some orders from its client who wishes to subscribe to collective investment schemes (OPCI or OPCVM) or units in which it has provided prior advice. The CIF may canvass clients in order to present its financial investment advisory function. It may also appoint natural persons who prospect on its own behalf.


The financial investment advisor must know how to progress within the financial framework, taking into account several tax and legal aspects. The latter must prove negotiation and business acumen and human qualities. It is important to know that all the financial advisers must have several assets. He must be rigorous and organized to better cover his clients and their personal change.  Aside from the dynamism he must have, he must have a good sense of listening in order to be generous to his clients' questions. A good financial investment advisor must be mentally as well as physically better, but most importantly, he must know how to deal with the various pressures that he may encounter in his job.  In order to retain and develop his customers, he must have a good sense of contact and a relationship of trust. Thus, he must have technical knowledge in the field of taxation, financial products, economics, law and know other tax, legal and financial information.